How preterm infants benefit from emotional connection (Science Rehashed)
Innovation Origin: Smart jumpsuit tracks babies’ motor development
MAIJU in the Finnish public media (YLE), YLE aamun uutiset 7.11.2022
MAIJU featured in the Estonian science radio
MAIJU featured in the Healthcare IT news
MAIJU media release June 17th, 2022
Iltalehti terveysuutiset with an interview video 22.5.2022 (health section; in Finnish)
MAIJU jumpsuit featured in the Wall Street Journal (Sept 7, 2021)
Job opportunity!
A smart jumpsuit could track development in at-risk babies - read the articles by New Scientist, University of Helsinki, and Spectrum
Movesense: Our Top-5 Favorite Movesense Concepts in 2019
Neurocenter Finland: Researcher, tailor, father, foodstuff chemist … researchers wear many hats
Academy of Finland (press release): Sleep pants and artificial intelligence help with babies’ sleep problems
Brisbane Times: Very premature babies have abnormal sleep patterns, new research finds
Digital Trends: A.I. analyzes video to detect signs of cerebral palsy in infants
University of Helsinki Faculty of Medicine: Artificial intelligence identifies key patterns from video footage of infant movements
BABA on prime-time news in South Korea
BABA goes to Open Science and publishes the first ever dataset on neonatal seizures
The Daily Beast: AI Scans of Preemie Baby Brains Could Block Future Disease
(Suomi) Uusi teknologia avuksi keskosten ja pikkuvauvojen hoitoon
(suomi) Helsingin sanomat: Suomalaistutkija on erikoistunut vauvojen katseen mittaamiseen – tarkkaavaisuudessa ilmenee eroja jo puolen vuoden ikäisinä, ja siitä voi ennustaa jopa käytöshäiriöitä
(Suomi) Lastentautien tutkimussäätiö: Tulevaisuuden pediatria -erityisapurahat kolmelle suomalaistutkijalle
(Suomi) Helsingin Yliopisto: Keinoäly Arvioi Keskoslapsen Aivojen Kypsyyden
University of Helsinki:
eHealthNews: Artificial Intelligence to Evaluate Brain Maturity of Preterm Infants
University of Helsinki: Artificial intelligence to evaluate brain maturity of preterm infants
Baba Center Annual Report 2016 (Finnish)
New Professors’ Introductory Lectures 7.12.2016
Helsingin Sanomat
University of Helsinki
Nature Reviews Neurology
Medical News Today: Many things can be read in a newborn's gaze
Science Daily: Many things can be read in a newborn's gaze, such as future visual cognitive abilities